Providing you the guidance, tools, and education to become the most efficient and productive recruiter, sourcer, or hiring manager possible|

How To Source Tech Talent on StackOverflow

By PETER KAZANJY StackOverflow is neither encyclopedia, forum, nor blog, but rather a combination of all three that is specifically designed for programmers and developers. It’s a community for programmers to answer and ask programming related questions, a place where developers can vote on most useful answers, and an encyclopedic resource for thousands of techies to [...]

By |2019-08-10T10:55:59-05:00July 14th, 2019|Blogs and Articles|0 Comments

How To Source Tech Candidates on GitHub

By Ben Slater It's no secret that recruiting developers might just be one of the toughest parts of every sourcers day. If you're still trawling LinkedIn relentlessly you're missing a trick. You need to take advantage of social networks like Github to source top engineers. So why should you use Github for recruitment? Well, sourcing [...]

By |2019-08-10T10:57:19-05:00July 14th, 2019|Blogs and Articles|96 Comments

Different on Purpose: Solving Recruiting Problems With Employer Brand Thinking

By JAMES ELLIS  NOVEMBER 7, 2018 Let’s say for a minute that while you as a recruiting professional are pretty darn good at your job, that your boss is pretty darn good at her job, that your sourcers are good at their jobs, and that your hiring managers are pretty darn good at their jobs … something’s [...]

By |2019-07-14T10:57:41-05:00July 14th, 2019|Blogs and Articles|0 Comments

LinkedIn’s Top 3 Tips for Social Recruiting

Social recruiting and social engagement have become a must within any and every recruiting strategy, and this is especially true to LinkedIn when it comes to your business’s online presence. LinkedIn latest results from the 2017 Most Socially Engaged Staffing Agencies find that UK recruiters lead the way when it comes to social recruiting, with five of the [...]

By |2019-07-13T15:28:47-05:00July 13th, 2019|Blogs and Articles|0 Comments

LinkedIn Caters Its Algorithm to Personalized Content

By SHANNON PRITCHETTJULY 9, 2019 About two weeks ago, LinkedIn announced a change to its algorithm. The new format is tailored around a user’s LinkedIn Feed. Content will now be ranked around personal interests and engagement. Rather than heavily listing viral content, users will now see content in which they are more likely to join the conversation. According to [...]

By |2019-07-09T15:11:10-05:00July 9th, 2019|Blogs and Articles|0 Comments
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