Providing you the guidance, tools, and education to become the most efficient and productive recruiter, sourcer, or hiring manager possible|
Adaptive Agile2019-05-25T02:03:54-05:00

Project Description

Adaptive Agile Sourcing and Recruiting

Recruitment is a profession requiring a mix of skills – it’s part HR, part sales, and part marketing. These separate functions all embrace Adaptive Agile Project Management. Progressive organizations that have successful recruiting models have shifted towards Adaptive Agile recruitment.

As a recruiter, you have two customers – the organization that’s retained you/internal stakeholders, and also the candidates. If your candidates don’t feel well served, they’ll withdraw from your process at any time. When a candidate withdraws at the end of a selection cycle, this is costly to all concerned, so it pays to validate the connection between the role and the candidates sourced at the earliest possible time. As in other applications of Adaptive Agile process, it’s about getting early feedback and delivering maximum value around customer needs.

Pinpointing the real needs of both the organization and the candidates can be complex. It’s not always possible for organizations to articulate precisely what their business needs and this can lead to an extended recruitment cycle, sometimes lasting several weeks or even months. Over this time, candidates become unavailable by taking up positions elsewhere, reducing options and possibly the value of the outcome for all concerned. Adaptive Agile recruitment offers a shorter recruitment cycle, an opportunity to fine-tune requirements after each iteration, and a collaborative process that should ensure all stakeholders achieve the value they need. The four principles of the Agile Manifesto offer a valuable perspective on recruitment:

Individuals and Interactions over Processes and Tools

Recruitment processes can be unwieldy and overwhelm a personal approach. Personality profiling, in-box exercises, panel interviews – all these have their place but should be looked at with a view to their value in each individual case rather than as a one-size-fits-all process that cannot be adapted.

Effective Results Over Comprehensive Documentation

An Agile approach doesn’t remove the need for documentation. What it does is to encourage this to be streamlined and used only where it delivers real value. How many hours have people spent filling in application forms that repeat what’s on their CVs, or adding detail that no one will ever need or use?

Customer Collaboration Over Contract Negotiation

Negotiating the contractual detail of a recruitment assignment at the start may lead to opportunities being missed. By focusing on communication and collaboration throughout the recruitment process, the needs of the organization have the space to clarify and evolve. The recruiter can then adapt the strategy and methods used to source candidates, to respond to new information as it emerges.

Responding to Change Over Following a Plan

Recruiting is complex. Organizations need to match people with their culture, as well as finding those that can do the job and deliver the right results. Candidates need to fulfill their development goals, as well as satisfy financial needs, and identify an organizational ecosystem where they feel likely to thrive. The likelihood is that these things cannot be defined in detail at the start. By approaching recruitment in short iterations, priorities can be adapted as the process surfaces more detail about what’s needed. From an Agile perspective, this is not a case of ‘changing your mind’ but responding to new information and gaining insight.

Our Adaptive Agile process focuses on collaborative working and feedback cycles that create a deeper understanding of what needs to be achieved. This class provides a huge opportunity for recruiters to manage their processes efficiently and productively.

Adaptive Agile Sourcing and Recruiting

Constant innovation is a fundamental requirement for companies to stay relevant, yet few have the foresight to prioritize this effort. One often overlooked function within a company is Talent Acquisition. In this course we deliver solutions and strategic guidance to recruiters and sourcers in this new digital era, it is imperative that talent professionals, companies and organizations use a more adaptable operating model to run their recruiting function more efficiently, with more transparency, and with a strategic focus on filling positions effectively.

Successful transformations within talent acquisition are not easy. A fundamental shift needs to occur in the way organizations think about attracting talent, structuring teams, and determining the skill sets needed. Through this new-era perspective, Agile was created and thus formed the next generation framework and operating model for recruiting in the digital era.

This course will provide instruction on how Agile works and examine methods to help you become more efficient and productive.

Agile in Talent Acquisition

Much has been gained in the fields of software product development and project management with the introduction of Agile, which has increased efficiency and reduced time to market. Using Agile in talent acquisition is not just about increasing efficiency, but also about hiring the best talent for the highest priority roles that add the most value to the company, and in many cases, generate more revenue.

Agile encourages breaking work down into valuable pieces rather than delivering everything at once. Applying the incremental and iterative work cycle and framework from Agile can add value to talent acquisition in a multitude of ways, including:

  • Increase speed and efficiency
  • Enhance the quality of an organization’s talent pool
  • Reduce wasted cost and resources
  • Decrease cycle time
  • Increase predictability
  • Prioritize to deliver the highest value first
  • Improve the experience of candidates and hiring managers

Infusing Agile into an organization’s talent acquisition and recruiting functions needs to be coupled with an assessment of skills and a review of the pre-existing perceptions and expectations of the business. As Agile was being developed, we infused the importance of focusing on key skills and business partnerships to create a solution that enables teams to focus efforts on the highest priority work, while taking the necessary time to meet and discuss adjustments and improvements to make for the next cycle.

The course is $995.00 and the certification is valid for two years.

The course curriculum includes:

  • Focusing on priority items
  • Providing daily visibility to the team and stakeholders
  • Measuring performance
  • Predicting future performance based on past lessons
  • Innovate and pivot when necessary
  • Increase speed and efficiency
  • Enhance the quality of an organization’s talent pool
  • Reduce wasted cost and resources
  • Decrease cycle time
  • Increase predictability
  • Prioritize to deliver the highest value first
  • Improve the experience of candidates and hiring managers

Project Details

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